Spokane Historic Landmarks Commission
Position Openings
Created in 1981, the Spokane Historic Landmarks Commission is a body of private citizens charged with the preservation and protection of Spokane’s historic, architectural, and archaeological resources. Each commission member represents a specific geographic area or has a specific area of expertise, resulting in a diverse group of individuals dedicated to preserving the historic resources of the city and county of Spokane. Each member serves on the Commission for one term, or three years, with the option to serve two consecutive terms. The Landmarks Commission meets monthly to review nominations of historic properties, proposed changes to previously listed properties and Special Valuation applications.
Currently, there are three open positions on the Landmarks Commission. Information and a brief description for each position is included below.
For more information or any questions; please call 509-625-6543 – Megan Duvall, City/County of Spokane Historic Preservation Officer