About Historic Registers


An historic property in Spokane may be listed, either individually or as a contributing structure in a district, on the Spokane Register of Historic Places or the National Register of Historic Places.  While a nomination to either register requires review by the Spokane Historic Landmarks Commission, these two distinct registers provide different management guidelines and tax incentives for listed properties. View a list of Historic Register properties in Spokane here.



The Spokane Register of Historic Places

Our local government’s official list of properties that have been designated as significant contributors to the historical development of Spokane.  Nominations to the Spokane Register must be accompanied by owner consent, and listed properties are subject to the design review process.

Read more about the Spokane Register of Historic Places.


The National Register of Historic Places

An official list of the nation’s historic places worthy of preservation.  The National Park Service’s National Register of Historic Places is part of a national program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect America’s history and archaeological resources.

Read more about the National Register of Historic Places.


Spokane Heritage Tree Register

The City of Spokane’s historic and heritage tree preservation program, operated by Spokane Urban Forestry, was established as a way for citizens to officially recognize special and significant trees in the community. The City of Spokane believes that by providing this recognition we stay connected to the important historic events that have shaped our past. The program was established in 1998 and procedures to implement the program were established in 2009.

Read more about the Spokane Heritage Tree Register.


The Washington Heritage Barn Register

If you own a historic barn over fifty years old that retains a significant degree of historic integrity, you can nominate your barn to be designated as a Heritage Barn and be included in the statewide register. The Heritage Barn Register is a program of the Washington State Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation and was established through the Heritage Barn Preservation Initiative.

Read more about Spokane County Heritage Barns.


The Washington Heritage Register

The Washington Heritage Register is an official listing of historically significant sites and properties found throughout the state. The list is maintained by the Washington State Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation and includes districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects that have been identified and documented as being significant in local or state history, architecture, archaeology, engineering or culture.

Read more about the Washington Heritage Register.