Adams Park (now Cannon Hill Park)
13.18 acres
Our policy from the first was to acquire areas equitably distributed in every section of the city, and within a few minutes’ walk of each home district, for parks. By doing this, the board has been able to save that natural beauty of trees and rocks which might have been destroyed.
White, The Spokane Parks, 1932
In the report, Olmsted commented on the naturally irregular shape of land and suggested the creation of roads that would follow the curve of the natural landscape. Olmsted suggested preserving the view of the houses already in place around the cliff, but also advised the board to create a curvilinear drive so that visitors may take advantage of the view afforded by the area. Olmsted further advised the park board to keep the present lake shallow to allow for safe wading in the summer and skating in the winter. Olmsted advised that this park be kept “pretty” and free of playfields because of its astounding natural beauty.