Craftsman Architecture

James & Corinne Williams House
The Williams house remains one of the most intact and best-preserved historic homes in Spokane with numerous artistic elements and embellishments. Although the home exhibits a blend of contemporaneous architectural styles, the exposed rafter ends and decorative porch columns on the second story reveal distinct Craftsman influence. This home demonstrates the eclectic nature of early 20th century architecture.
- Proposed Parks:
- 1: Jimmie & Margaret Durkin House
- 2: Anderson-Webster House
- 3: Larsen-Lindholm House
- 4: William & Anna Kroll House
- 5: Louis & Alma Parent House
- 6: Charles E. Marr House
- 7: Frank & Maude Tuell House
- 8: Harry & Dorothy Alvis House
- 9: Judge Henry & Alice Canfield House
- 10: James & Corinne Williams House
- 11: Levesque-Majer House
- 12: Charles & Estella Pattullo House