Craftsman Architecture

Larsen-Lindholm House
The Larsen-Lindholm home exhibits an eclectic blend of Tudor Revival, Japanese and Swiss Chalet influence, woven into the more prominent Craftsman style. With a side-gabled roof, exposed rafter tails and knee-brace brackets, false half-timbering and wide, decorative bargeboards, the home remains an artistic representation of various early twentieth century architectural styles.
- Proposed Parks:
- 1: Jimmie & Margaret Durkin House
- 2: Anderson-Webster House
- 3: Larsen-Lindholm House
- 4: William & Anna Kroll House
- 5: Louis & Alma Parent House
- 6: Charles E. Marr House
- 7: Frank & Maude Tuell House
- 8: Harry & Dorothy Alvis House
- 9: Judge Henry & Alice Canfield House
- 10: James & Corinne Williams House
- 11: Levesque-Majer House
- 12: Charles & Estella Pattullo House